Thursday, September 29, 2011

I feel old...

So the title refers to a new Wilco song, I suppose, at least that's what I think/want to understand... if you are one of the three or so frequent readers of this blog you should know by now that I'm drunk.

It's not the best song of the album (Art of Almost is) but it's just what got stucked in my head.

So this is again one of those moods I've been into so many times before, so many times everyday but just so fucking tired to share with the keyboard.

You know I know... Iknow I do.

It's that same old pathetic joke (sorry (and forgive me for feeling sorry... and so on))

I thought I was going to write something more "poetic" if you may... but, well yeah maybe i'll try

español por favor:

Siento los años de las letras encima
son pocos, dicen...

Siento el desgaste de las palabras,
el vacío del discurso
el silencio no significante
la nada no poética
la basura del intento
la frustración.

todo eso jodiéndome la vida.
todas las ausencias cayéndome encima...

toda la vida muriéndoseme en los dedos con cada golpe.

sin ningún propósito.


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